An unbridgeable gap

From the previous articles we could already see there is a profound difference between the Bible and other holy books, between the teachings of the Bible and other philosophies and religions.
Throughout history many people have searched for how the world came into being, how man was made and what purpose man has.

There have come many sorts of teachings as a result of searching people. Also those wanting to find God looked for all sorts of explanations and looked for all sorts of ways to worship God.

The Norwegian Bible, Bibelen.

The Norwegian Bible, Bibelen. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Bible claims for itself nothing less than the honour of being the result of the revelation of God to man, and thus provides the answer to all essential questions. It means nothing less than that we have here to address the foundation of biblical Christianity. Whoever denies this, this faith deprives its base. It will also be clear that this basis of divine revelation does not mix with any other possible doctrine whatsoever; before the fundamentals are very different. The more you think about it, the more one realizes that the gap is unbridgeable.

Over the centuries man tried again and again to mix the teachings of the Bible with the results of another thought. Especially Greek philosophy has played a major role. Now, we are as far as the origins of the Bible as an authentic revelation itself being denied.

The Christian of the 20th / 21st century now has logically decided that the Bible its origins as an authentic revelation itself is denied and should therefore also apply to the Bible. He considers this a triumph of rational thought and does not realize that he allows his whole faith robbed of its base. He is most willing to believe that all the prophets with their “thus saith the Lord” themselves were fully convinced of the divine origin of their message. And he is not able to see that the rational basis of his whole belief is not based on the sincerity of those beliefs, but their accuracy. The Christian who denies the latter has its own ship bumped leak. The downfall is only a matter of time. And that that ship was already sinking, one can see around oneself.

There is a certain irony in the way Western man turns away from rationalism and turns to Eastern philosophies. Indeed, the premise of the two modes of thought is the same: a human quest for enlightenment. Only the method is different. Meanwhile, he throws some really fundamentally different approach to the landfill. And he does, complaining that there will be no light – after he has turned out the lamp himself! Actually, it is absurd to talk about. We rid the biblical teachings of his most essential element and then complain that it has given us nothing more to say. We turn to them the same as another, speculative, thinking and then complain that there is nothing to special. We explain its statements to human well-intentioned statements and then complain that it has no real solution to offer. And all the while we have the Bible, not given one moment to speak for itself. So if we want to give the Bible a fair opportunity to defend itself against any criticism we must also have to give it a chance to speak. We must return to the original message and keys. And we will also do.

– Rudolf Rijkeboer


(fast) Translation of: Gods vergeten Woord 20 Geopenbaarde Woord 5 Onoverbrugbare kloof


Over Christadelphians

Free Christadelphians or Brothers and sisters in Christ, living in Belgium, European Union. - Vrijë Christadelphians of Broeders en zusters in Christus wonende in België in de Europese Unie.
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