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As a free community, we want to receive all sorts of people welcoming them and helping them where we can.
As Christians we try to be open-minded and we want to be aware that not everyone should think completely the same as we do. We also want to welcome and listen to strangers. Everyone in society has something to say and can thus contribute to the general spiritual well-being of that society.

Today we meet a lot of people in need. Where we can try to help. This is done with spiritual support, but also with food packages and language and integration courses.

We want to reach out to anyone who is willing to meet us or travel with us in the wide world of God. No problem should stop someone from looking for us and asking for help if necessary. We are there to help each other where possible.

We would like to invite you and others to discover the Word of God together. By finding each other willing to study and debate the Holy Scriptures, we can give each other the opportunity to gain a better understanding of that Word of God but also to understand ourselves better and to get to know our place in the event of faith better.

By accepting the equality of everyone and treating each other with respect, we can give each other the right and just opportunities to develop further. We insist that the table of God be open and not closed, or for only a few, and that everyone should be able to find out the gift of God. We insist on offering everyone the opportunity to be part of that community that is saved and want and enjoy God’s love together.

In case you find it important that more people come to know God, His Plan and about His son Jesus Christ our saviour, then you might help us in supporting our work of the spreading or proclamation of the Good News by making a donation.

Make our work possible – Maak ons werk mogelijk