In case you find contradiction between Old and New Testament

Our Bible is divided into the Old Testament and New Testament, that is, the books of the Old Testament (“testament” actually means “Covenant“) and the books of the New Covenant. But it’s one plan, not two. Christianity, therefore, is not a religion other than the original Judaism; it is merely the next stage in God’s plan.

A bible from 1859.

A bible from 1859. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Unfortunately, the Old Testament is often not read and lots of Christians when there is spoken about the Bible only think of the New Testament. But the Bible is a collection of books from the Old and the New Testament or Covenant. The ones who only read the New Testament may get to know exactly what is God’s true solution, but often does not get to see why and where there had to be provided a solution.

The core of the Bible-message is in the Old Testament. This applies even to languages. A good understanding of the key words of the New Testament is based not so much on a good knowledge of the importance of first-century Greek as a good knowledge of the meaning of Old Testament concepts that underlie the New Testament Greek. The tendency of some theologians to the impact in the New Testament view of certain Greek philosophical ideas is therefore little more than the aforementioned misconception that the Bible is the impact of human thought, but in a scientific twist.

From the fact that the Bible is the revealed Word of God, immediately follows an important conclusion: that message should be one unit. Later revelation, even centuries later, can never contradict the former words spoken or written. The message is one. That means in particular that we should not expect contradiction between the OT and the NT. Those that find contradiction in the Bible words have not understood the essence when trying to read it.


Preceding: Souls and Religions with Nirvana and light

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie: Gods vergeten Woord 18 Geopenbaarde Woord 3 De ene boodschap

Next: The true light in recorded words



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5 reacties op In case you find contradiction between Old and New Testament

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