The Golden Altar

God built into the tabernacle and the temple a model of our relationship to Him. The curtain (Hebrews tells us) which separates us from the presence of God, is our flesh. We need atonement. But the curtain is not an impenetrable wall. The smoke of the incense goes into His presence, and that smoke is prayer…

  • The altar of incense wasn’t in the inner sanctuary, but it belonged to it
  • In Exodus 30, a few verses later (v 10), the altar of incense is firmly linked to the Day of Atonement, and the blood carried into the inner sanctuary once a year was put on it, just like the ark of the covenant.

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Over Christadelphians

Free Christadelphians or Brothers and sisters in Christ, living in Belgium, European Union. - Vrijë Christadelphians of Broeders en zusters in Christus wonende in België in de Europese Unie.
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